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Volunteering at AGAPE

A variety of volunteer opportunities are available at AGAPE High School.


Dependable and prompt, interested in others, able to relate to learners with a wide range of abilities.  Respectful of confidentiality, flexible, friendly, patient, optimistic.  Especially good for English or math majors, or people interested in other cultures and teaching, but open to anyone with the above qualifications.

Commitment Required:

Parents of scholars can volunteer on a short term basis without an on-going commitment, but all others are asked to provide at least 2  hours a week, for 6 months or one semester

Contact: Angela Payne

Phone:   (651)744-7970


If you are interested in volunteering at the AGAPE High School you can follow these steps:

1. Fill out  Volunteer Application online 

2. Complete Background Check Form online 

Volunteer Opportunities 

Please contact Angie Payne in the office at 651-744-7970 or email if you would like paper copies of these forms sent to you or if you have any questions about completing these online forms.