Testing required for high school graduation
Students are required to complete Writing, Reading, and Math testing in order to graduate. Students must pass these tests or meet the testing criteria in order to graduate from high school.
- The writing test is first given in 9th grade. Students must score a 3.0 or higher on this test in order to pass it.
- The Reading test is first given in 10th grade. Students must pass with a scale score of 50 or higher in order to meet graduation requirements.
- The math test is first given during the 11th grade year and students must have a scale score of 50 or higher to pass.
Minnesota Department of Education Parent MCA Information Sheet: http://education.state.mn.us/mdeprod/groups/educ/documents/basic/031107.pdf Arabic Chinese Hmong Khmer Laotian Russian Somali Spanish Vietnamese
Minnesota Department of Education Testing Information: http://education.state.mn.us/MDE/JustParent/TestReq/index.html
MCA Test Dates
2020/2021 Testing Dates TBD
Keep an eye on this page or talk to Mary Gannon!
Retest Dates
See Mary Gannon for specific dates.
2020/2021 Dates will come out in Spring 2021