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AGAPE Curriculum 2023-2024

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   AGAPE High School Curriculum

ACADEMIC RIGOR An engaging academic program emphasizes high-level critical thinking embedded in all core and elective subjects, with rich opportunities for college in the schools and  postsecondary options. Our students are confident, engaged learners, who emerge prepared for college and careers.

COURSEWORK AGAPE Students enroll in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, career and technical education, art and physical education; Many of our students qualify to take CIS and Career Pathways and other PSEO courses when available.

AVID ELECTIVE  Major Concepts/Content: Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an academic elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success, and it is scheduled during the regular school day as a year-long course. Each week, students receive instruction utilizing a rigorous college preparatory curriculum provided by AVID trained teacher, tutor-facilitated study groups, motivational activities and academic success skills. In AVID, students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading to support their academic growth. AVID applications are accepted for the AVID elective class at the start of the school year and at the beginning of 2nd semester.

AVID SCHOOL WIDE  AVID strategies are utilized in all core and elective subjects. One of the main goals of AVID, beyond academic achievement of program students, is to create or enhance a college going culture at the school that supports high expectations and levels of achievement for ALL students.

ADVISORY PROGRAM  All students are scheduled into a  daily grade level advisory focused on teaching AVID strategies which supports our school career readiness efforts. Teachers also facilitate small group weekly lessons (Sister Circle) that provide guidance on interpersonal skills, character development, developing a growth mindset. Opportunities to build healthy, whole-hearted connections with their peers.

THE ARTS Enriching courses in visual arts, are offered at every grade level in and guided by expert instruction. providing diverse outlets for students to explore their interests.



Course Description: Biology

Biology is a semester-long laboratory course that studies cells, genetics, evolution, ecology, cycling of matter, flow of energy, organ systems, and the history and nature of science. Students investigate various problems and study current issues through laboratory activities, scientific inquiry and projects and independent work. Students will prepare lab reports, take tests, take quizzes, and complete assignments on a regular basis. This course prepares students to be scientifically literate as well as prepare them for future biology and science classes.

Course Description: Chemistry

Chemistry is a semester-long introductory laboratory course covering the principles of Atomic structure, periodicity, bonding, states of matter, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, and acids and bases.  Hands on activities, group projects and laboratory work are an integral part of this course. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are addressed on a daily basis.

Course description: Physical Science

Physical Science is a semester-long laboratory course that covers basic high school physics and chemistry concepts and the nature of science and engineering.  These concepts are applied to earth and space science phenomena. Students learn about atomic structure, chemical reactions, types of energy transformations, forces and motion. These concepts are used to investigate changes in earth and space systems over time including geology, meteorology and astronomy.  Students use observations, laboratory investigations, and problem solving to analyze and understand the science of everyday phenomena. This laboratory course prepares students for biology and chemistry.


Course description: Art Appreciation

A(SPC College in the Schools)  is an introductory exploration of visual art forms and their cultural connections. We examine the elements of art and principles of design and investigate how artists have used these organizing principles in the creation of objects and images for centuries. We ask why artists create and how they express and interpret our world. We then consider art in historical perspective, journeying from ancient cave paintings to the complexities of the contemporary era.

Course description: Drawing

This course will cover the basics of drawing. Students will use a variety of materials to complete drawing exercises and assignments. The art elements of line, shape, form, value, texture and pattern will be emphasized in this class. Students will use both liquid and dry media, working from observation and conception. Student displays will complete this class.

Course descriptionPainting

This course introduces students to images of classical and contemporary painting, techniques and concepts, with emphasis on the understanding of the fundamentals of artistic expression.   Painting from still-life, photographs of landscape, and various other painting styles will be explored. Color theory, linear perspective, compositional structure, figure/ground relationships, visual perception, spatial concepts, and critical thinking skills will all be emphasized.  Demonstrations, videos and group and individual critiques will be given throughout the course. Acrylic will be the primary medium for this class.

Course descriptionIntro to Visual Arts

A one-quarter survey course designed for students who are enrolling in a high school art course for the first time. Provides a variety of experiences that build on the concepts, techniques, and use of media introduced in the middle school program. Studio in nature, Intro to Art explores and gives experience in two-dimensional (drawing, painting) and three- dimensional (sculpture, textiles) formats and integrates art history, design principles and aesthetic criticism and response.

Course description: Book Binding

This course covers hand built artist books; Western case bound books, pamphlets, Japanese stitch binding, and non-adhesive bindings. Students will build a drop-spine clamshell box as well as a box of their own design. We will also create our own decorative papers for our book covers and boxes.

Course descriptionCeramics

This course introduces the student to the skills, vocabulary, and techniques necessary to create pottery and clay sculpture. Students will learn basic clay techniques and processes including building by hand, using the potter's wheel, glazing, and firing.

Course descriptionPrintmaking

In this course the student explores the possibilities of creating works of fine and wearable art through the medium of printmaking. The four basic processes to be studied include etching, silkscreen (onto paper and clothing/fabric), relief and drypoint with variations and combinations of these processes.

Social Studies

Course description: Human Geography

The goal of this course is to learn about the physical, cultural, economic, and political factors that make up places around the world.  W will also evaluate the uses, abuses, and preservation of natural resources and the population of an environment. We will use guiding questions to help us establish the key ideas that are most essential to our learning according to what our state standards are and to help us gain a full understanding of the role we play as global and knowledgeable citizens of the world.

Course description: U.S History

This one year course presents historical and contemporary views of people, places, events and dates from multiple perspectives.  Students will examine how the development of the United States of America has been impacted by many influences including its resources, documents, ideals, and relationships with other nations and its peoples whose many cultures have enriched the country.  Upon completions of the course, students will have developed the knowledge and skills needed to satisfy the Minnesota Academic Standards in U.H. History.

Course description: Government

This course is designed to teach you about the foundation, structure and dynamics of political and social life in the United States.  Specific focus areas may include: constitutional issues, legal issues, civil liberties, human rights, workplace issues, issues of race, class and gender globalization and technology, immigration and citizenship, and politics and elections.  Students will examine these issues within the context of America’s constitutional democracy. Students will be expected to demonstrate political, and social skills through active participation.

Course description: Economics Systems

This Economics course is a one-semester course designed to prepare you to make important economic decisions.  These decisions will help you consider your personal life and the choices one makes relating to spending, saving, budgeting, investing, borrowing and other personal financial planning considerations.  Another topic explored in this course is preparing you to make economic choices that are also critical to being an informed citizen of a democratic society. This study of economics will also enable you to make reasoned judgments about personal finances and the economic policy decisions of the various levels of government.  Understanding of how markets work and of the tradeoffs involved in trying to accommodate unlimited wants with limited resources is essential for meaningful democratic dialogue on what governmental bodies should be doing. With this background, hopefully we’ll have a better chance of achieving the American dream.

Course description: World History

This course is a one year course which involves studying patterns of human behavior across time within the historical context of global societies. Students will discover commonalities and differences among peoples from past to present. They will examine and evaluate evidence to understand the social, political, environmental, technological, economic and spiritual factors of human development.


Course description: Intermediate Algebra

This is a one-year course. All topics are chosen based on MN Mathematics Standards and SPPS Power Standards. Students will learn about Solving Equations & Inequalities, Functions, Linear Equations & Inequalities, Systems of Linear Equations & Inequalities, Exponents & Polynomials, Factoring and Solving Quadratics.

Course description: Algebra II

This is a one-year course. All topics are chosen based on MN Mathematics Standards and SPPS Power Standards. Students will learn about Linear Functions, Linear Systems, Quadratic Functions, Probability and Statistics, Exponential Functions, Properties and Attributes of Functions and Sequences and Series.

Course description: Geometry

This is a one-year course. All topics are chosen based on MN Mathematics Standards and SPPS Power Standards. Students will learn about Foundations of Geometry, Angles, Triangle Congruence and Similarity, Coordinate Geometry, Right Triangles and Trigonometry and Circles.

Course description: College Algebra through Math Modeling

This is a one-year course offered for high school and college credit (CIS) through St Paul Public Schools and the University of Minnesota. Students will construct mathematical models from the viewpoints of theory and real data. Those models are then used to describe real-world phenomena and making predictions. Students will develop theoretical/practical applications of linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

Course description: Pre-Calculus

This is a one-year course. Students will learn about Quadratic Functions, Polynomial and Rational Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Basic Trigonometry, Trigonometric Functions, and Trigonometric Applications.


Course description: English 9/10/11/12

This is a one-year course that includes writing and research, critical reading skills, grammar, vocabulary, speaking and presenting, and a strong independent reading component. Students write formal papers weekly and are assigned current event articles as well as short fiction and excerpts for critical reading and writing ideas. Students will write at least nine pages of formal writing.

Course description: English ELL

This is a one-year course that includes writing and research, critical reading skills, grammar, speaking and presenting, vocabulary, and a strong independent reading component. Students write in their journals daily and are assigned current event articles as well as short fiction and excerpts for critical reading and writing ideas. Students will write at least three pages of formal writing. This course is co-taught with an ELL teacher.

Course description: English - Introduction to College Writing

This is a one-year course that includes writing and research, critical reading skills, grammar, speaking and presenting, vocabulary, and a strong independent reading component. Students write four informational and response papers to college level articles. This amounts to about 10-12 pages. College level vocabulary and writing expectations (MLA citations) are emphasized. Students who successfully complete this course are prepared to take a college composition course..

Course description: College Composition

This is a College in the Schools course taught in conjunction with St. Paul College (English 1711). This course emphasizes the process of writing expository and persuasive essays using effective writing skills and a variety of research techniques. The course includes an analysis of primary and/or secondary sources with a focus on critical reading, logical reasoning and academic research writing.

Parenting / FACS

Course description: Teen Parenting Journey

This is a quarter long course that addresses areas of child development and parenting strategies effective with children 4 months to 4 years old. The course addresses specific issues regarding the participants’ children and prepares parents for what to expect in the first 4 years of life. Students will complete independent work, projects and class discussions using published research findings.

Course description: Baby Basics

This is a quarter long course for any student who is expecting a baby or has a baby under 4 months of age. The course is designed to explore different options and techniques for keeping a new baby healthy and happy. Topics include fundamentals in caring for a new baby as well as what to expect during a baby’s first 4 months. Students investigate parenting issues through current research, activities, projects, and independent work.

Course description: Practical Parenting

This is a quarter long course designed for teen parents to demonstrate skills in the areas of nutrition and community resources for themselves and their child. The class focuses on healthy food choices based on label reading and MyPlate guidelines, and customer service and community resources by supporting the operation of the school store. Students apply what they learn from class discussion, guest speakers, lecture, research articles and textbooks to complete hands-on activities and independent work.

Course description: Child Development

This course provides an overview of typical and atypical child development across cultures, from prenatal through school age, including physical, cognitive, language, creative, social and emotional development. It integrates theory with developmentally appropriate practice in a variety of early childhood care and educational settings. Students explore all areas of child development through current research, activities, projects, and independent work.

Physical Education /Health

Course description: Physical Education

This course is a quarter in length. Physical Education is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn skills needed to participate in activities in and out of school. Students will also be able to learn rules as they apply to different sports and work on their own personal fitness levels. Being active is a must in this course.

Course description: Health

This course is one quarter in length. Health class is for any student wanting to learn about how the choices they make daily affect their own health and those around them. Topics include:nutrition,mental health, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, communicable and non communicable diseases.


Course Description: Entrepreneurship

Course Description:  Computer Literacy

Students enter this course with varying levels of skills and knowledge.  This course is designed for new and experienced learners as they develop computer competencies. In today’s world, understanding technology concepts, possessing computer skills, and knowing how to apply them are essential for students entering both post-secondary education and the world of work.

Course Description:  Marketing

This is an innovative course designed for students with an interest in marketing and advertising.  Instruction will include an introduction to the fundamental marketing concepts through a variety of marketing topics and activities. Students will investigate a product through market research.

  • Define a marketing problem;
  • Conduct secondary research to investigate a market need or problem;
  • Conduct market research using at least two methods;
  • Analyze the viability of product, price, place, and promotion based on research findings, 4 P’s of Marketing.

This course is taught in collaboration with the Brandlab that is an innovative nonprofit agency supported by Minneapolis and St. Paul’s largest creative agencies.  The Mission of the Brandlab is to change the face and voice of the marketing industry by introducing, guiding and preparing students for careers in marketing and advertising. We believe in a future industry that reaches new heights through the creativity of people of any race or socioeconomic background.  (Brandlab, 2017)

Course Description: Personal Finance

This course is designed to give students tools to effectively manage their personal finance resources. Topics include identifying and choosing the right career, post-secondary planning, personal budgets, banking services: checking & debit accounts, savings, and investing, credit, taxes, housing, insurance, and costs associated with buying and owning a car. Junior Achievement will spend 5 sessions with the students to focus on earning, saving, budgeting, spending and identify protection.


Course Description:  Introduction to Engineering

This course is designed using National Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Curriculum providing students with practical knowledge and skills of engineering, function of robots, and design and modeling. Students are exposed to a variety of new learning and careers through research and class presentations.

Work-Based Learning

Course Description:  Career Seminar I

The Career Seminar I course is designed to provide students with career information to assist them in making the transition from school to work and or school to work & college.  It emphasizes self-awareness, social development, work adjustment, employability skills training and employee rights & responsibilities.  Students will learn habits and behaviors related to job search, communication strategies, employee rights and responsibilities and safety at work.  Students will investigate and evaluate careers in relation to life goals, personal attributes, and daily living skills. All students will be aware of the essential rights and responsibilities associated with paid or non-paid work experiences and MN Occupational Safety and Health Act, OSHA.

A volunteer from Junior Achievements Career Success program spends class sessions to assist students with the tools and skills required to get and keep a job in high-growth career industries. Sessions may include: Getting Hired, Communication and Conflict Management Skills, Collaboration and Creativity, Strong Soft Skills, Know Your Work Priorities, Know Who’s Hiring, and Know Your Personal Brand.