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Parenting Education

Parent Education Classes:

These courses support young moms and moms-to-be on their parenting journey.

Topics for class revolve around the MN Parent Education Core Curriculum domains:

  • Parent Development
  • Parent Child Relationships
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Family Development
  • Culture & Community.

Students will:

1.   Develop a vision for their family

2.   Learn about children’s developmental milestones

3.   Explore healthy births, attachment, discipline, health, nutrition, safety, sleep and transitions/routines

4.   Build supportive community and parenting resources.

These topics will be individualized based on the concerns of each participant and the age of the students’ children.

Class work will include discussion, reading, journaling, organizing information, collecting research, using multi-media and creating projects.

Attendance:   Your presence is expected every school day and is essential to learning!

Grading:   The grade you earn in this class will be based on attendance, class participation, journal entries, and assessments of your knowledge that you demonstrate on quizzes, projects and presentations. The points and expectations will be given in the project grading rubrics. All projects are expected to be on time. Late projects will be docked points for each day pass the due date. The basic A - N scale will be used for this class: A (100 - 90%), B (89-80%), C (79 -7 0%), D(69 - 60%), below 60% is No credit.


Here is a sample of what you could make in class.  This is a homemade baby book that the parent will create then read to her child.

Here is a student displaying her homemade baby book, before reading it to her baby.


In other classes, you may make a welcome baby poster that describes the development of your child.

Mom in class


Parent Educator

Roberta Roozen

Tchr - Special Education