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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a public school or a charter school?
AGAPE is a small learning community in the Saint Paul Public School District.

Do you have a special curriculum?
AGAPE uses the curriculum and standards of the SPPS District.

Do your students take the same tests as the “regular high schools?”
Students participate in all statewide tests ie: MCA’s, ACCESS testing, ACT and Accuplacer. Students also participate in teacher developed assessments in the core subject areas.

How many credits do you need to graduate?
Our graduation requirements are the same as all Saint Paul Public Schools. Each AGAPE student will receive a student planner in the Fall and within the planner, there is a credit assessment worksheet that students can maintain after they have met with our guidance counselor in order to keep track of their remaining credits. 

Are there options for credit recovery?
Our students have access to SPPS Evening High Sschool. We also provide online-only classes within a program called "APEX" for certain classes/credits and on rare occasion there are independent study options in partnership with individual teachers. SPPS Summer school options are also plentiful and daycare is provided at AGAPE! 

What are your hours?
AGAPE school hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

Is the childcare free?
Our day-care is contracted through Head Start. The funding is arranged through the county. Applications for daycare funding are submitted to your county of residence. If students qualify for county assistance then the county pays the daycare directly. For specific questions, contact our school nurse, Amy Buck, at AGAPE at

What are the expectations for my child of academic proficiency at AGAPE?
AGAPE expects students to meet or exceed levels of proficiency on state assessments. We also expect students will achieve growth on all assessments during their time at AGAPE.